Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lady Marmalade

I am finally finding time to cook a little again... for fun.

I took a few pounds of these:

and reduced them

and added some more stuff:white sugar, brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, red wine and a few sprigs of thyme

and ended up with this:

Onion marmalade... quite delish!

I used this recipe here (but used butter/olive oil instead of bacon grease)


Marmo said...

¡Dulce de cebolla! Eso ni había imaginado que existiera, hahah, algún día de mi vida espero probarlo, debe ser muy diferente a cualquier otro.

Eileen said...

Ñami! What are you putting it on? Not chocolate chip cookies, I hope. Do the kids like it?

Phoenix said...

Yum. This looks insanely delicious! What did you eat it with?

Annje said...

I personally like it with cheese... like on top of an interesting cheese and cracker, or I have had it in a cheese sandwich. I have also had it with meat dishes. Good stuff!