Friday, April 24, 2009

Anti-Aging for the Aging

My sweet husband is turning 38 on Monday. 38!! It boggles the mind, actually. I met him when he was 25. And here we are, 13 years later, on the other side of the world, with two kids. It boggles the mind, I tell you.

To make him feel better about turning 38 (because, let's face it, he is nearly 40! and to make matters worse, I am not far behind) I am getting him the equipment to make an anti-aging serum...

Hello Resveratrol! That's right... a home wine-making kit. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. This is what we will be making...

Chilean Carmenère: one of our favorites.

The kit makes 30 bottles of wine. 30! That'll last us at least a few weeks (just kidding).

If you come by in a few months we just might share...

Maybe by next year we'll be stomping our own grapes and adding the oak chips and just the right touch of cassis.


Danielle said...

How long does it take to make a bottle? I thought it had to ferment for a few years or something. I don't obviously know anything about making your own wine. Maybe how you do it makes it ferment faster? Very interesting though. I would love to see more posts about how it goes and what things look like and how it works etc. Good luck. Cool post!

mosey (kim) said...

What a great idea for a birthday present - the gift that keeps on giving. And *you* get to share it, what could be better?

Hope he has a happy day!