Friday, November 21, 2008

Every day of my life. . .

So another blog I read every once in a while challenged readers to post "A Day in the Life". She promised to post links to all possible participants. . . but (boo-hoo) she didn't post a link to mine. I'll assume that she assumed that it wasn't really going to happen for me (I'll show her-HA!!) and NOT that she thinks I'm some annoying little lurker and doesn't want to encourage me in any way. . . that would make me feel a little sad (I don't know why, I don't even know her).

So for all the non-existent readers to my blog, here is a day in my life...

7:00--Baby Nico wakes up gurgling

I grab a cup of this, so I stop wanting to shoot myself

G: "Mami, I wanna go pee-pee" "I wanna wear the glasses"

G watches a little PBS while mama feeds chubby Nico.

MMmmmm.... cereal .....................................Then G has a little breakfast herself

Mom takes a shower while Nico takes a nap.

Yes, this is MY shower. . . toddler with dinosaur accessories, not wanted, but free of charge ............................ ooooops watch your step!

Nico wakes up......................................... while........................... G paints (our little Van Gogh)

Time to get some fresh air........ don't feel like running today................let's take a walk

To the park (which we LOVE love love) find "caracoles."

...and go to the river...... transfer rocks from one end of the park...

to the bottom of the river (PARD secretly thanks us)

This is actually what lunch and dinner look like for Nico

I skip some steps in pictures, but they include poopy diapers, crying , time-outs, lunch, nap, dishes, maybe some sweeping and laundry (so you don't think I don't clean) afternoon play something or other

Bathtime. . . not always together--due to the look of Terror on Nico's face

Nico plays on the floor--sucking all the paint off some toys from China

While G runs laps around the house (just winding down)

G is eating dinner. "Tastes good mama! But didn't we have this last night too?"

M: "Yeah, so what? Leftovers rock!"

Now papi comes home............... ahhh sweet relief (we ALL love seeing a fresh face!)............. and mama escapes off to a "Girls' Night Out while hubby does dinner dishes and takes over bedtime duty (yay!)

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